www.irenegoikolea.es is a domain in Internet owned by Irene Goicolea Uriarte (N.) (I). (F). 14570998S), domiciled at Bº La Reneja, 35, 48879 Artzentales. Phone 34 679190645.

Pursuant the article 10 of the Spanish law 342002, July 11, about the services of the society of information and electronic trade, the recipients of the service and the competent bodies are provided access by electronic means, in a permanent, direct, free, and easy way to the general information that is detailed below:

  • Domain name: www.irenegoikolea.es
  • OWNER: Irene Goicolea Uriarte, residing at B ° La Reneja, 35, 48879 Artzentales, ID 14570998S.

The use of this website attributes the condition of user and implies the acceptance of all the conditions imposed by the Spanish legislation, being subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Bilbao for any dispute, claim or controversy about it.